Cosmetic and Health-Related Benefits of Dental Implants

After suffering tooth loss, many people believe their only option is dentures or bridges in order to keep their smile bright. However, dental implants in Plantation may offer more cosmetic and health-related benefits. With today’s improvements in dental implants, it is possible to have a smile returned to its natural state in just one day. In this article we will discuss the benefits of dental implants in more length.

Improved Appearance
One of the benefits of dental implants in Plantation is the improvement to your appearance. Dental implants look and feel just like natural teeth. Unlike dentures or bridges, they are fused to the bone, making them a permanent part of your mouth. Speech is improved because implants will not slip like dentures or bridges. When dentures slip, your speech may become slurred or you may mumble, making it difficult for others to hear or understand you.

Improved Oral Health
One of the most important advantages of dental implants in Plantation is improved oral health. Implants do not require the dentist to alter natural teeth like required when a bridge is implanted. This means that more of your natural teeth remain, improving long-term oral health. There is better access between teeth with implants as well, making them easier to clean than dentures or bridges. Implants are also very durable and, with care, can last a lifetime. Lost teeth can also cause the jawbone to deteriorate as the bone needs stimulation in order to remain healthy. Dental implants act like natural teeth as they are implanted directly into the bone, providing the stimulation the bone needs to remain healthy.

Improved Self-Esteem
For many people, dentures can cause lower self-esteem. There is always the concern that dentures may slip while talking, which can be embarrassing. Because dentures are removable, there is always the risk of having to remove them in the presence of others, such as when food particles slip under the plate, causing pain. In addition, dentures require the use of messy adhesives that can be difficult to apply and may not always work to hold the plate in place. Dentures may also be uncomfortable, especially if they have not been fitted properly. Dental implant
plantations are permanent, eliminating the concern that teeth will slip or that you will need to pull them out of your mouth in a public place due to pain or discomfort. This can lead to improved self-esteem as you will be less self-conscious.

If you are interested in getting the benefits of dental implants for your self, contact the Friedman Dental Group to learn whether you are a candidate for dental implants in Plantation. In most cases, you can leave with new implants the same day as surgery. Call us for an initial consultation at 877-960-3442, chat with one of our helpful staff members through our website or complete the easy complimentary consultation form today.